If you ever subscribed to ‘The New York Times’ for the home delivery then you might received an email on that week Wednesday regarding an offer give to you if you unsubscribe to if you ‘The New York Times’. Most of the people belives it’s a hacker outside from the ‘The New York Times’. A media person from ‘The New York Times’ said that,” it was in fact the result of a simple error”. Bit that wasn’t true actually it was from ‘The New York Times’.
Today the statement was made by the media spoke person that,” An email was sent earlier today from The New York Times in error” Actually this email was sent to the small numner of persons instead of these person who gave their email to The New York Times.
On Wednesday, The New York Times twitted,” If you received an email today about canceling your NYT subscription, ignore it. It’s not from us.”
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